PIOA exit exam 2019

Back row : Candidates (L to R) Areta Samuelu (Samoa), Shaun Mauiliu (Samoa), Des Soares (Director of Training), Mark Rokobuli (Fiji) James Tewa’ani (Solomon Islands) Alex Munamua (Solomon Isldands,
Examiners (front row L to R) Andreas Loefler and Peter Cundy (Australia) Richard Lander and Sud Rao (New Zealand)

We are pleased to report that 4 out of our 5 final year candidates successfully completed the final exit examination. This was run by independent examiners from Australia and New Zealand. We are grateful to Dr Richard Lander (Chief Examiner) and Dr Sud Rao from New Zealand and Dr Peter Cundy and Dr Andreas Loefler from Australia. The exam followed a similar format to the FRACS examination with 2 written papers, 2 clinical vivas and 3 computer based vivas. Candidates were tested on 45 different scenarios. We are proud of the teamwork and cameraderie shown by our final year candidates as they supported their colleague who was unsuccessful.