Module 1, February 2016, Orthopaedic Trauma

The “Orthopaedic Trauma” module was held at the National Referral Hospital, Honiara, Solomon Islands, from 1 February to 10 February 2016. This module covered history taking, clinical examination, and management of  trauma. You can read the  Module 1, 2016 report  here.
From L to R
Dr. Vauhgan Poutawera(New Zealand), Areta Samuelu(Samoa), Felix Diaku(PNG)
From L to R
Front row – Jochen Ruckstuhl, Des Soares, Vaughan Poutawera, Gerold Lusser, Matthew Hope
Middle row – Basil Leodoro, James Tewa’ani, Felix Diaku, George Kabwere, Kabiri Itaka
Back row – Mark Rokobuli, Areta Samuelu, Alex Munamua, Naseri Aiotato, Stephen Kodovaru, Shaun Mauiliu